About Us

History of the Hosteria Rio Grande

Renzo Olcese is the founder, owner and operator of the Hosteria Rio Grande. He believed in the potential of Futaleufu long before the wave of athletes from around the world began coming here to test their skill on the mighty Futaleufu River in rafts and kayaks.

His prophetic vision motivated him to create one of the most beautiful places in town: the Hosteria Rio Grande.  Designed by the architect Edward Rojas, the three story handcrafted wooden hotel in Futaleufu beautifully reflects the culture of Chiloe Island with designs that abounded in the houses of the early settlers.

Beautifully decorated, the hotel has a central hearth in the restaurant area, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere to all visitors.  All rooms are simply appointed and uncluttered, each with a view of a different area of town and the ever present surrounding snowy mountains of Futaelufú.

But beyond the great accommodations, the inn has become a focal point for the departure and arrival of a series of adventures that provide guests with a greater value:  knowledge, contact and interaction with the boundless abundance of nature that this region contains.

by Jorge López Orozco (periodistaviajer@chile.com)
www.chile.com (translated to English from Spanish)

The Hosteria Rio Grande is a Hotel in Futaleufu offering year round lodging. During the tourist season we specialize in adventure travel, offering connections to outdoor activities like:  whitewater rafting, kayaking,  sport fishing, horseback riding, and more.  Make our hotel in Futaleufu your choice for your vacation accommodations.