Contact Us

Our address:

Hostería Rio Grande
Bernardo O´Higgins 397
Futaleufú, Chile

Telephone contact:

Phone/Fax: 56 65 2 721320
Note: 56 is the international country code for Chile, 65 is the area code for Futaleufú, X Región in Patagonia. If you are calling from outside Chile, for example from the United States you will need to dial the US exit code first (011) then our complete phone number.

Via email:

To reserve a hotel room or to obtain more information about our services and activities, please complete the form below and we will contact you.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message

Skype Us
For any questions about our accommodations or services please feel free to contact us via Skype.
My status

The Hosteria Rio Grande is a Lodge in Futaleufu offering year round lodging in all seasons. During the tourist season we specialize in adventure travel, offering connections to activities like:  rafting, kayaking,  fly fishing, horseback riding, and more.  Make our Lodge in Futaleufu your choice for lodging.